
No more phones for Blackberry

9/29/2016 01:12:00 PM

Ever since that one fatal day years ago when former CEO of then RIM stated " we don't need apps " Blackberry lost its steam and we've seen one of the greatest downfalls in tech history.

2 CEO's later and that still stands true, the cursed Canadian company has announced that it will stop all in house production of phones an push everything to a 3rd party maker. This was forecasted to happen and even current CEO John Chen spoke on this happening.

But Lettuce not cry lettuce just remember the good times byke when BBM was popping an owning a BB was like owning the keys to Ferrari. Here's to RIM/Blackberry your run on top was epic but the fall heard around the world was just too much to over come....

Whats your thoughts on this news? if you are a current BB owner are you going to stay the course or switch to Android/iOS?

Tech: Tech company Blackberry cancels handset production moves to 3rd party option

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