
Spectacles by Snapchat

9/29/2016 12:58:00 PM

As if self obsession wasn't at a all time level right now snapchat is pushing the envelope and also trying to succeed at what Google failed at ( Google Glass ) 

Snapchat Spectacles is a pair of glasses that allows you too take video in POV fashion up too 10 secs, which then can be added to your snap feed.

Spectacles will be releasing this fall in a limited release ( you know what happens when things are limited let the hype begin) The price will be 130$ featuring the colors Black, Teal, and Coral ( pictured above ) 

So with that being said are any of u snap obsessed individuals interested in this? if so get ya camping gear ready....... 

Check this article from Wall Street Journal for more details 

Snapchat Spectacles 

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