
Sprint x T-Mobile Still On

6/20/2014 06:07:00 PM

News has pretty much died down about the merger between Sprint/T-Mobile the past few months and now we have some news. According to Rueters the deal is still trying to be made and the target time is around August and Rueters also reports that sprint has secured 40B in a Finacial deal with JP Morgan-Chase, Goldman Sachs, Deutche Bank, Bank Of America, Merrill Lynch, and Citigroup. 20B is a loan to SoftBank(Sprints owner) and another 20B for debt refinancing for T-Mobile. 

The money is there and the deal is on the table but we all know what happen last time two carriers tried to merge (AT&T/T-Mobile) the FCC said no, so expect the same results..............

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