
Blackberry Passport x Blackberry Classic

6/20/2014 06:32:00 PM

Yesterday blackberry had it's earning calls and like the newly appointed CEO Chen wanted things seem to be stabilizing and on the upside, but with that came a look at some interesting future Blackberry devices. 

The picture above shows Chen holding the future of blackberry and wether or not they can survive in the new tech age. What are those devices? The Blackberry Passport and the Blackberry Classic both are keyboard friendly phones.
Blackberry Classic 

From the pictures I saw(above)I personally think blackberry did a good job the classic looks like a mix of the past and future bringing the belt back and combining it with the new OS and touch, and it also looks similar to one of BB best selling phones of all time. I'm sure people still on BBOS will be pleased and will find the transition smooth with this handset.

Blackberry Passport

Now we talk about the Passport(pictured above) the handset that looks rather awkwardly square and probably a lil hefty. This handset is exactly what blackberry needs it strays away from what blackberry is use to but still offers what it's king at(physical keyboard) It's a design that has yet to be used and paired with BB10 OS version 10.3 the deal with Amazon to access their App Store and great marketing I'm sure these two phones will be a hit. The only thing stopping them is getting these phones out to the public in a timely manner and to make sure people know what BB10 has to offer this time around........

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