
Sprint Ponies Up Money To Take A 33% Chunk Of Tidal

1/24/2017 11:00:00 AM

Brand: Tidal 

Buyer: Sprint

Service: Music Streaming

As if Jigga doesn't have enough W's to save even Meek Mill's career lets add one more to HOV's war chest, according to news that broke late the other day Sprint ( the worlds worst carrier ) has bought a stake ( 33% to be exact ) in the Music Streaming service acquired by Jay Z years prior. With this it may mean that soon 99.999999999999% of Sprint phones ( Android ) phones may come with tidal pre installed and you can also expect a music streaming plan as well that you'll be able to add too your monthly phone bill.

Also to keep the good news going recently the music streaming service was evaluated an it's said to be worth around 600 million so Tidal is growing and this could mean big trouble with the likes of Apple x Spotify. With this new deal done with Sprint it now means Tidal will have more access to users an they app also now gets more exposure as stated above I'm sure it will come pre loaded on most sprint ANDROID phones ( you know Apple ain't playing that ) 

With that being said how do you feel about this news? are you a Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, or Tidal user? and if you're currently on Sprint ( i'll pray for you ) does this news effect you? let me know by leaving a comment down below...................

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