
Aye...PS your up for SALE

11/08/2016 09:44:00 AM

Remember that day a few weeks ago when every one on social media fake cared about Vine being " Shut Down " well according to TechCrunch that may not even be the case. According to the site Twitter is actually fielding offers from various outlets on a potential buyout of the ailing company ( Vine )

Basically Twitter hit a ill MJ pumpfake by saying Vine was being shut down in all reality they were just letting companies know that it was up for sale to the highest bidder ( or in Vine's case to anyone wit enough cash to take it off Twitter's hands )

Vine was dead the day Instagram allowed 15 sec video, and also when SnapChat was created, so Lettuce morn for the 6 sec app ( no really it was always a useless stupid idea ) and fake care/remember the good times.......

Whatever happens to Vine lets just hope Twitter doesn't sell it to FaceBook.....

News: Twitter shuts down app Vine to sell it 

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