
The Life of Pirates

2/17/2016 01:06:00 PM

Kanye, Kanye, Kanye, Kanye........ the once highly respected " MC " from the city of Chicago is in the news this time its not for his weird encrypted twitter rants that only god can read, this time apparently Mr West's news is about his recently announced TLOP(The Life of Pablo) British news publication BBC has reported that Mr West's latest studio album has been pirated a whopping 500,000 times and according to the post one person was quoted as saying " this is one of the most pirated albums to date which is kind of weird " First off the fact that they think a album from the hypebeast lord and Savior Yeezus being pirated at such a high rate is weird, is weird in itself (holy hell what a inception) 

The reasons behind such a high rate of bootlegging stems from the fact that Kanye announced(more like told) his sheep that his album would only be available on struggling streaming service Tidal(in which he may or may not still be a " owner " of)  also on top of making TLOP a Tidal exclusive Kanye wants 20 whole dollars, yes thats right 20 WHOLE DOLLARS. I've listened to the album and as a person who enjoys music its really not worth the trouble of doing 20 years in the pin getting ram rodded by some tattoo'd freak by the name of axel rod, do yourself a favor save the 20$ save your illegal download for Dead Pool or the new Star Trek movie and just give this album a pass..

PS TLOP is not better then MBDTF but a hell of a lot better then YEEZUS 
stay classy san diego......

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