
4.3 millions way to Scam

2/17/2016 12:54:00 PM

As i was unfortunately scrolling my Facebook feed i came across a funny yet intersting story, apparently the other day a Vietnamese couple was at the Detroit Intl airport and was found with what they referred to as HELL MONEY. The couple was stopped and their luggage was searched and that's when the staff at the airport found 10K on them and further questioned them as to why they would be traveling with such large sums of Keesh. They however didnt like the couples answering to the lines of questions being asked and decided to do some further searching and thats when they uncovered 4.3 Million dollars in the sum of 100's(all counterfeit of course)

Now i ask my self....self why the hell would you be carrying so much got damn fake monopoly money, me personally I think this couple was on there way to turning this fake money into real money or they were about to buy some stuff and whomever was on the receiving in was sure to get GOT as they say. Another scenario is the feds or whomever were watching these two and finally caught them slippin' but whatever the case maybe i can bet you 300 fake 20's that everything this couple owns down to there lil fufu dog will be seized searched and taken, because well lets face it the government isnt just gonna allow you to be a scum bags on there watch.......we all know they're the only ones allowed to do dirt anyways HATERS GON HATE!

morale of the story here is travel with little cash as possible and if your going to be carrying loads of fake cash take a rental car....................

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