Halo 5

5/16/2014 05:54:00 PM

Man I haven't played halo in ages and honestly don't really care to after getting a ps3 I find xbox to be pointless(even though I plan on getting a xbox one) but this tidbit of news makes me smile 

Microsoft announced that the next installment of the Halo series will be released next year exclusively for the Xbox one. What will it be called? Well it's going to be called Halo 5: Guardians and while we are on the topic why is this an xbox exclusive? Microsoft has a lot of money but often times makes some of the dumbest decisions(the original DRM for Xbox one, Xbox one price etc) 

Either way let's just hope this halo is a steroid shot in the ass of this franchise because right now Sony is Floyd Mayweathering the xbox right now....

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