What The Yahoo!
4/01/2014 06:08:00 PMWell let's see first it purchased Tumblr now it wants to compete with Google's video service YouTube I'm not to sure what yahoo is doing does it want to be Google or compete with Google?
Anyways a reported rumor has it that the search giant wants to go head to head with Google/ YouTube and it might have found a way. Reports say that it's in talks to aquire NDN(News Distribution Network)for 300 M
First off who the F)$& is NDN? Second off what the F)$& is a NDN? If Yahoo wanted to go head to head why not just purchase DailyMotion? Or unlike Google create it's own in house company.
All these mergers are making me confuzzled honestly 9/10 these larger companies completely ruin the networks/companies they acquire anyways. But back to the topic is this company even worth 300 M?? That's a lot of cash to be throwing at something a majority of us never heard of.
Ahhhh who am I kidding it's Yahoo's money let them FaceBook it up if that's what they wanna do.........
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