Moto X+1 Specs

4/25/2014 06:17:00 PM

After being offed by Google to Lenovo for a cool couple of Billion the tech world has been wondering what is Motorola gonna do with it's follow up to the Moto X .

Well thanks to a benchmark we may have a clue the specs are as following(allegedly)
2.3 Ghz SnapDragon 800 Processor
12 MegaPixel Camera 
2GB of Ram 
32GB of Storage 
And a 5.2 inch 1080 p Display 

The specs sound good not top of the line but if this is true it sounds like a good deal and would be worth the upgrade of u have the current Moto X. The only thing to really worry about is how timely will the  android OS updates be since it's no longer a Google company and will the skin remain the same or be changed. 

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