
The Way of Wade line really should be getting more looks for dropping some dope releases

3/03/2017 01:00:00 PM

Brand: Li Ning

Sneaker: Way of Wade V " Grey Camo "

When: 3.11

Price: 160$

Check out our GOFUNDME

Wether its be Wade's fault or Li Ning ( probably a mix of both ) the Way of Wade line has gotten lil to no promo here in the states an if you don't follow people like Nightwing or use Niketalk then you wouldn't even know the sneaker existed. The Way of Wade V has had some really good drops an to no fan fare, promo, or even sneaker YouTubers ( some have but not like they do for Adidas or JB ) Either way thats a good or bad thing ( depending on who you are ) as when this shoe gets no heavy promo that means who ever wants them can get them.

But enough of the rambling lets check out the Grey Camo Way of Wade V the next drop slated to come on March 11th, if you are interested places like wayofwade.com, edition boutique in miami, and sunlight station will be more then likely to carry these as they are the go to spots for everything Way of Wade. Peep the pics via the post and leave a comment with your thoughts, an if you're a Way of Wade head also feel free to leave a comment with your favorite Way of Wade drop................

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