
YouTuber Goes 1v1 Against Jaylen Hands.......End Well This Will Not

1/25/2017 10:17:00 AM

YouTuber: Jesser the Lazer

Athlete: Jaylen Hands

Game: 1v1


Last night while watching CashNastyGamings twitch stream a viewer or he ( which ever one it was ) decided to watch this video an let me tell you i almost was brought to tears in laughter. The video of subject is a series called 1v1 where youtubers ( mostly 2K streamers ) challenge other YouTubers or fans to a one on one usually to 11, but for whatever reason YouTuber Jesser the Lazer thought it was a genius idea to play Jaylen Hands. 

Jaylen is a #1 ranked PG in the country an also a UCLA committee, so watching him absolutely destroy Jesser was hilarious and sad, peep the video down below along with some hightlights of Jaylen who is going to be a problem come next years College basketball season................

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