
What Rockstar Wont Do The Modding Community Will

1/27/2017 10:06:00 AM

Crew: Open IV

Mod: Liberty City port

Game: GTA V

Console: PC

Rockstar is a billion dollar company who creates one of the greatest games known to man ( next to mario of course ) GTA V, however they never fully let the game live up to its potential ( it seems like now a days its all about the money ) But with the help of the mod community ( this is for PC only ) every GTA release is taken to its full abilities, and sometimes the mods work sometimes they don't its just the nature of the beast as they say.

For this post were gonna take a look at the team of legends behind the Open IV mods, they took into their own hands to bring liberty city ( GTA IV ) to GTA V, yes that right these mad scientist are about that life. As you can see from the screen shots these guys aren't playing around at the potential for this is to the sky, however the down side is its only in the alpha stages so don't expect gold from a turd ( in its current state ) 

No release date has been set but if anymore news comes i will be sure to post it! check the pics in this post and feel free to leave a comment with your favorite PC GTA V mod, mines of course ( i do not own a PC ) is the LSPDFR mod Rockstar really needs to add the ability to be the FEDS in GTA that would be amazing DLC...................

All the MODS are for PC this is not for consoles ( PS4 x Xbox One ) 

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