
The Eastern Conference All Star 2017 Starters

1/25/2017 10:42:00 AM

Brand: NBA

Game: All Star 2017

Roster: Eastern Conference Starters

Location: New Orleans

Now its time for the Eastern Conference starters its the usually suspects from the cavs, a raging bull, a deer from milwaukee, and a player from the frozen up north. My only gripe is NO Porzingawd he's been on fire this year an is keeping the Knicks relevant ( unlike their other superstar )  so peep the starters down below and tune into the NBA All Star game 2017 next month live from New Orleans........................

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2017 Eastern Conference All Star Game Starters

Giannis Antetokounmpo

DeMar Derozen

Kyrie Irving

Jimmy Butler

Lebron James

Head Coach: TBD

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