
S/S '17 Collection From Bodega

1/27/2017 11:07:00 AM

Brand: Bodega

Collection: S/S '17

Where to Buy: BODEGA 

Part of life is living an loving, also another part of life is as we grow, we find things that fit our personalties/lifestyle, and there's no other way to define that then finding a clothing brand you can connect with. I know for me i always try to be more open when it comes to clothing choices so with the blog i try to find new brands to share with you guys with the hopes that someone will read and say HEY COOL! ILL GIVE THESE BRAND A CHANCE.

Enough of the rambling lets check out the S/S '17 collection from Bodega, peep the pics in the post and a link above is provided to purchase any of the pieces featured in the collection.................

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