
In today's GOOF of the day news a Gamestop employee leaked some info

1/10/2017 02:00:00 PM

Brand: Nintendo

Console: Nintendo Switch

So Shout out to the employee who risked his job to share this info with us ( pictured above ) what is that info you ask? its basically all the pertinent info about the Switch, included in this screen cap is the official launch date of the Switch, and day 1 game releases ( games coming out the day Switch releases ) 

Check the full list of games down below so you don't have to kill your eyes squinting an straining ( i know i did at first ) this news is pretty exciting as the Switch is def the game changer that Nintendo needed, an now with a solid release date, and a list of games coming out this will be sure to BOOST Nintendo fa sure..................

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Games Coming out for Nintendo Switch

Dragon Quest X 3.19.17

Zeld: Breath of the Wild 3.19.17

Splatoon 3.19.17

Mario Kart VIII 3.19.17

NBA ( 2K or Live?) 3.19.17

Elder Scrolls Skyrim 3.19.17

Mario 3.19.17

Sonic 3.19.17

Monster Hunter 3.19.17

Lego City Undercover 3.19.17

Just Dance 2017 3.19.17

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