
21 Savage links up with Young x Reckless for a very reckless collab( and not in a good way )

12/27/2016 02:15:00 AM

Collab: 21 Savage x Young & Reckless

Release Date: 12.31

Price: 23-54$ 

" rapper " 21 savage has linked up with LA brand Young x Reckless for one of ( if not ) the most hey look at me i'm a douche bag collabs i've ever seen. The Collection features shirts, hats ( a god awful dad hat ) and lastly a hoodie, with 21 savages face draped on the front ( two of the shirts ) and his upper half on the back ( on the all white hoodie ) 

The collection is set to release on 12.31 an it ranges from 23$ ( shirts ) to 54$ ( hoodie ) with the hat falling in between ( prolly the 30-35$ rang ) there. Price wise it's fare compared to other " artist " merch ( please stop buying Kanye's over priced merch )  so expect all his fans to eat this up and if you're over 30 please do not buy this,  i would hate to see one of you pop up on social media getting flamed for wearing merch with a black dude with a cross on his forehead......PLEASE JUST DON'T BE THAT GUY!

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