
The Walking Dead: In Negan We Trust

10/24/2016 12:14:00 PM

Last night one of the best show's on TV made its 7th Season debut, the Walking Dead picked byke up off where it left off from at the end of season 6ix where Negan had the squad on hands and knees waiting.

As the show begins so does the mayhem ( literally ) Negan word to young Big Papi takes the bat to Abraham's head ( RIP to that character ) and proceeds to bash his head in til its literally mush ( i do mean literally) but before all that happened of course in typical the Walking Dead fashion they drug that part out with bits and pieces teases and non pleasers that had twitter upset.

With all the teasing an what not, Negan takes Rick ( the main character and leader ) on a ride where he baits, disrespects, and belittles him to the point where Rick basically breaks down. One thing he does is he takes the AXE throws it into a crowd of zombies and tells Rick to go fetch his weapon, in too which Rick was hesitant at first but of course in the end he had no choice.

While trying to retrieve the weapon Rick climbs to the top of the vehicle ( i believe it's the RV they had all last season ) and has flash backs of the head bashing ( in which they still didn't show who it was at first ) but i think it was also Rick's breaking point, in too which Negan wanted. So eventually he retrieves said axe and brings it back to Negan and they continue on with the drive.

Now i'm not sure if this was a flash back or it happened via last nights episode but there was also another victim, Glenn ( this part follow the comic ) gets hit in the head so hard it literally popped his eye out ( LOL ) Negan was using the bat like he was hitting in the world series crushing game winning home runs to send the series into game 7. I lie to you not i could have swore that Ken Griffey Jr was playing double for Negan at one point, because thats how good he was swinging that damn bat lol. 

Unfortunately after the head bashing and the cissifiying of Rick the show slowed way down, basically Negan was barking on the gang telling them things, baiting to kill other members, and also he picked on Rick again. I have no clue why he picked on Rick so much but he took Carl ( who i wish he would have killed ) put a belt on his arm then rolled his sleeve up. Negan lays Carl down on the ground takes a marker ( wth did he get a marker from anyways lol ) and taunts Rick. He makes Rick believe he's going to chop Carl's arm off, but in Negan fashion he tells Rick to cut where he marked ( basically cut from Carl's forearm down ) or he will kill more people.

Rick like the broken b**** he is cries and begs for Negan to not make him do it ( in which he doesn't again he was testing Rick ) after that basically Negan tells Rick hes a B**** and he's going to be his slave, he also tells him he'g going to eventually kill everyone and leave Rick alive so he can feel the pain of losing everyone ( if i'm not mistaken the governor said something similar ) 

After all that goes down Negan then tells them they have a week to get their S*** together and get a offering together for him ( whatever that means ) Negan and his crew dip out, leave the trailer, and the group their to reflect on what just happen

Side Note: Darryl was thrown into the back of a van and taken away when Negan leaves as a insurance policy

Maggie after seeing what happen to Glenn has a breakdown an is ready for war, the group tries to calm her down as they have nothing as well as they have no plan to attack Negan ( along with the 100's of people that Negan control's ) 

I don't remember what happens after that as i was pissed at how they wasted time ( and all the damn commercials ) from watching last nights episode i can tell they'll be dragging out yet again another season and we can expect pretty much a majority of the episodes to be long and drawn out. Two things that were not mentioned in the episode were Morgan wasn't there, and No Carol the killa og.

All in all it was a solid episode nothing special, as a lover of TV series if you are like me then you can tell this is going to be a long, emotional, drawn out, frustrating season ( yet again ) and it seems like the writers have went away from what made us love the show ( the first 3 seasons were amazing ) 

This is my first TV show review so excuse the mistake, i'm new to this but i wanna keep it real with the reviews for these shows and give my honest opinion, a long with only really covering the stuff that really matters in the episodes. So if you enjoyed this review or want to add in anything i missed feel free to leave a comment and welcome to all the Walking Dead fam :) 

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