
no new wear this year

9/29/2016 01:59:00 PM

For all the watch fans specifically Android Wear this news might just break your lil heart

Google today officially announced that Android Wear 2.0 will not be seeing a release anytime this year, and has been pushed back to 2017. Google did also announce Dev preview 3 of AW 2.0 so at least there is some good news here.

Whatever that case maybe for the delay Google needs to get their shxt together they had Apple beat at the smartwatch game and fumbled worse then Thurman Thomas at the superbowl. Lettuce just hope when ever 2.0 does officially drop its smooth, clean, and fantastic.....

The Android Wear 2.0 official Google release has been pushed back to 2017 with no set date but you can download Developer Preview 3 of Android Wear 2.0 now....

Tech: Google delays Android Wear 2.0 until 2017 

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