Again YAHOO? this is getting really old....

9/22/2016 02:25:00 PM

How many times is this like 43339024923? 

According to Re/Code more then 200 million yahoo users data was breached in 2012 and was(and is currently) up for sale on the deep web. If for whatever you are still using Yahoo services before 2012 and 2012 til now then you maybe one of those people whose data has been compromised.

This isn't the first time Yahoo has been hacked and its one of the reasons i myself have stop using their services and have moved away( as if Google is any better but hey the lesser of two evils) 

So if i were you i'd check my email account(s) and see if anything funny money is going on, Also i would say switch to a new mail service as well because it seems like these attacks on Yahoo probably won't stop

News: 200 Million Yahoo users data was breached in 2012 and at one point was up for sale on the deep web 

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