
Xbox One S

8/02/2016 12:28:00 PM

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! today is the day that we've all been waiting for(well some of us at least) The lighter, smaller, quicker, and sexier Xbox One S is here and lettuce rejoice for the gods have blessed us once again. Touting a more then 40% body difference the XB1S is something that we didn't want, but yet something that we needed(oh ok you feeling like commissioner gordon now?) and in my most humblest opinion it should have been the OG Xbox One that dropped last fall..but i know i know you gotta pull out da gimmicks and da shenanigans too turn profits by any means microsoft. Enough of sounding like a biter betty, be sure to check your local best buy and ugghh... best buy(wow its sad to think its not too many big box retailers anymore) to get your hands on a XB1S.....

Side Note: The XB1S that dropped today is thee 2TB HD one and it will run you about 399$ plus tax

Also check this full written review by the verge =====> http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/2/12348212/microsoft-xbox-one-s-review

 Check these awesome videos below from some Youtubers who got their hands on the XB1S!
The Verge
Ghost Robo
Tetra Ninja

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