The Future Is Now
6/08/2016 03:54:00 PMThe Future Is Now
Today is the day to take this a step further, this blog is just a piece in the giant puzzle the next step is too launch a channel and bring my the ideas we have to life. If you enjoy the blog(and you do obviously if you visit it everyday) then you will enjoy the next step which is a YouTube channel.
With the YouTube channel everything we cover here on the blog will be done in a visual format which in some instances can be better and more preferred now a days. The YouTube channel will feature TECH, SNEAKERS, and VIDEO GAMES, everything that's covered here on the blog will be covered on the YouTube channel and when it's grows other things(as well as people) will be added to the channel and the blog as well.
The reason for this post is for you guys to check out the gofundme campaign I started in hopes to raise the money needed to launch the YouTube channel and take this blog to the next level(better layout etc) and grow this brand that I started. So if you are interested in helping then simply click the link below and share with your friends and family and every donation is appreciated.......
The campaign
CNSMNT is the future
Check out the campaign and support and share on social media as well, if you have any questions tweet me @Breezanomics
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