
Supreme x Clarks

5/09/2016 02:05:00 PM

What is know in the fashion, sneaker, and often times tech world as a HYPEBEAST, what does that have to do with today's news? well I'm glad you asked 

Supreme is back with another collab and another exclusive to get the hypebeast panties all wet, unlike last weekends hyped dropped with Nike this one is with a more low key brand(still doesn't mean its going to be a easy cop)

Clarks originals is partnering up with Supreme on a collab on its what I'm assuming to be most popular model the Wallabee. Coming in 4 colors, 2 shades of brown or tan, a pink(yuck), and a more respectable navy blue(or whatever fancy names these brands have now a days)

This collab can be yours via all Supreme locations worldwide on May 12th and in Japan on the 15th

So good luck and God speed hypebeasts.......

Supreme x Clarks Originals 

Japan 5/15
Superme locations 5/12

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