New podcast episodes 5/16

5/16/2016 03:02:00 PM

Today is Monday and I'm going to add something new to the blog when ever some of my favorite podcast drops a new episode i'll post them up for you guys to check out, and if you have any podcast you enjoy feel free to share them with us.

Today's first podcast posted(which will be two on Monday's) is the Monday Morning Podcast by comedian Bill Burr. He posts every Monday and usually the episodes consist of Bill ranting about his house(which he's remodeling due to its old age and terrible repair jobs in the past), his dog Cleo(which is a pit bull), gigs he has upcoming, his show(F is For Family) and various other topics. 

Every once in a while he'll bring on his equally funny wife Nia and they read through emails and she as well as Bill give their input on the viewers questions and concerns. The podcast is sometimes a hr and other times its under, so somewhere in between 45-60 mins worth of gold from old Billy red head.

So check out the MMM podcast and also check out the older episodes there are a ton of them and you'll more then likely get addicted and start using some the lingo that Bill uses in everyday life like the world famous OOOOOHHHHHHH JESUS!


The second podcast that's usually uploaded on Monday's is the Fan Bros Show but typically its their special delivery episode which features Chico Leo and either Tatiana King Jones, DJ Benhameen, or ILLA YC 

For Monday's they usually do recaps for television shows, so for instance if it's the time when the walking dead is on the next day (Monday) they'll recap the show and go in depth and also sometime talk about the comics and how along the show is compared to the comic books( which 9 out of 10 the show is far behind and altered heavily to fit the viewing audience) 

They do sometimes however talk about movies from time to time and also will have special coverage for WWE events like Wrestlemania or Summerslam

So if you are into comic books, tv shows, super hero's etc then check the fans bros show out its a good listen. As far as length wise the special deliveries tend to be 30-45 mins long

check the fanbros out at



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