
Don't Violate my Trademark Bro

2/25/2016 01:31:00 PM

Im looooooookinnnnn for revengeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is the tune Google was signing early yesterday when it decided to flex its muscle and tell website dedicated to its self(and by it self i mean Google) by taking away its adsense in which the website is quoted as saying it makes 6 figures from on a monthly basis. Now i dont care about the legal crap and all that mumbo jumbo but i find it humorous that Google would do such a thing to 9to5, but maybe its a scolding for leaking info? who knows now a days Google's like a hot chick on her period one min she's in love the next she's throwing Tourettes styled fits in public, either way 6 figures is alot money GOT DAMN KANYE!

Update: as of 1:52 on Wednesday(yesterday if your reading this today which is Thursday) all adsense has been restored to 9to5Google and Google's official press release basically says we wanted to be petty, you lost money, and we don't care so have a nice day..............

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