
GTA V online heists

3/10/2015 05:15:00 PM

Yes.........yes.......YESSSSS!!!! Finally the day has come after a full year many broken promises, terrible updates, horrible servers, and a lackluster story mode GTA V online heists is finally here. From what I saw the download is 5GB(PS4 version) might be the same for XB1 But not sure how many gigs it is for XB360/PS3. I can't wait to play and check out the heist and hopefully build my crew up, the only thing I don't like about it having to put the money up for the missions. I also hope that Rockstar doesn't drop the ball on this and they add new heists every month or at least drop a bunch for online/single player this summer. So what's your feelings on these finally being released? Not excited? Let me know in the comments below 

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