New Computers Is Always Nice!

7/23/2014 06:37:00 PM

So we have been hearing about Apple making new products or making current  products even better(if that's possible)
So according to some news Apple is looking to change the way we think about laptops or atleast according to them how it should be. 

First up is a 12 inch MacBook(pro or air) that features a retina display and a all new body different then anyone current MacBook model has to offer. Also along with that Apple plans on releasing a 4K iMac(an possibly a 4K monitor) if you remember 2 years ago Tim Cook did say that in 2014 Apple would be making a shake up in the industry. I personally believe they waited until now because Steve Jobs influence was still on some of Apple's product and this year we get to see Cook's full vision on his version of Apple.

For those who are keeping count this fall there will be new iMac's, a new MacBook, Two new iPhone's, and updated iPad's so if your looking to upgrade your older Apple products or make the switch this fall is the time to do it.........

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