
Amazon Prime Pantry

4/24/2014 06:57:00 PM

As I was surfing da interwebz as the kids say I came across a article on BGR for what ever that's worth. The article was touching on a Newley announced service from Amazon called Amazon Prime Pantry so being curious I went on yahoo(because ios 7 you can't save pictures in google images that's for another post) and did some good old research.

After Yahooing I found out basically Amazon is trying to get at the grocery market and make some changes. So the service known as Pantry allows you to order non perishable items let's say cleaning stuff, poptarts for those late night munchies, and cereal for your bad ass kids. 

How it works is you add the items to the cart like any order and while doing so it let's you know how much space your box has and is currently filled with. You can fill your Prime Pantry box either up to 45 pounds or 4 cubic feet and the box is 5.99$ Flat fee. 

As far as shipping goes Amazon claims within 4 days but you know how it goes with Amazon you either get it early or a few days late so let's say 4-10 days respectfully. In all realness this sounds like a legit great idea if you think about it you don't have to re up on non perishable items as much as things like eggs,milk, meat,fruit, and veggies so waiting a few days for these items won't hurt 

But how do you guys feel about this gonna try it out? Or just stick to weekend trips to walmart/wegmans dealing with slow cart pushers and indesicive people? 

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