IOS Keyboard
3/26/2014 04:30:00 PMHere we are ios 7.1 just released iPhone 5s doing numbers like a New York Brooklyn corner, and the iPhone still has thee absolute word keyboard of any mobile OS *blank stare*
I'm trying to understand with the maturation of ios (features apps looks etc) why has Apple legitimately ignored this aspect and on top of that there are no alternatives. With a mobile os so locked down u would think they would fix the problem.
I mean look at the hardware(pics from the verge)
With a phone so burriful Apple why u no open API? Why u no give us good keyboard? Apple why u no let us pick our own????
All I'm trying to say is with all these record breaking numbers and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH the tech blog like to sack ride Apple for why is the most important feature still TURRIBLE????
Answers shall remain unanswered but hey a new iphone is on the way they'll sell another 20 billion................
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